Dear Sir/Madam, The online registration for the RTE Conference & Exhibition has been closed. You are welcome to register onsite in Prague. Kind regards, RTE team
Company details
Please be aware that the company name and country filled in below will appear on your badge. After 9 October 2015 delegates are asked to register on site in Prague. Please note that on-site registrations cannot be guaranteed as conference places are limited. Please use one form for each delegate and print all information.

if applicable


Details participant

Please also enter your country code (e.g. +31703123920)


If you are a RTE member, please mention your debtornumber. This number can be found on your membership invoice.
Conference fees
Please select the appropriate box. The RTE Secretariat will check your selection before confirming your fee. Stated conference fees are net prices.









Payment details
Invoices will be sent to the address you filled in above. If you wish the invoice to be sent to another location, please provide us with the address below.


All conference prices are subject to VAT. To reclaim, please contact your local tax office. Fees in Euro, Czech VAT has to be added.

if applicable

If you wish to pay by credit card, please provide details


Security code on the back of your card (last 3/4 digits)
Conditions of participants
I acknowledge my understanding and acceptance of the conditions of participation as mentioned on the event website and in the event leaflet 2015.

